Cari Pekerjaan

Hasil Pencarian

  • Cleaning Service PT. Avia Technics Dirgantara Tangerang (Banten)

    Membersihkan meja,komputer dan telepon. Membersihkan kursi Membuang sampah Membersihkan kaca indoor atau outdoor. Membersihkan sawang-sawang Membersihkan toilet (langit-langit atau sawang-sawang, lampu, dinding, wastafel, cermin, closet dll.) Membersihkan alat pemadam kebakaran Membersihkan tempat puntung rokok Membersihkan halaman Perawatan bunga (menyiram Pemupukan, menggemburkan tanah) Menyapu lantai & mengepel dll.


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    sekitar 1 tahun lalu
  • RECRUITMENT STAFF PT. Dhanajaya Bogaindo Tangerang (Banten)

    Melaksanakan proses rekrutmen karyawan, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja, sesuai dengan "Prosedur Rekrutmen Karyawan" Mencari kandidat karyawan, menyotir, dan menyeleksi surat lamaran, dan melakukan psikotes untuk mendapatkan calon kandidat yang sesuai permintaan user, melalui database, media iklan online, media iklan cetak, dan jobfair Menjadwalkan kandidat karyawan untuk mengikuti proses seleksi dengan menggunakan email, telepon, atau media pemberitahuan lainnya Koordinasi dengan user untuk proses seleksi di tahap selanjutnya, dengan melakukan pemanggilan dan interview user Koordinasi dengan user / manager restaurant mengenai jadwal efektif bekerja yang sudah ditetapkan agar proses pemenuhan karyawan dapat berjalan secara efektif sesuai dengan jadwal yang sudah ditetapkan Mengelola perjanjian kerja antara perusahaan dengan tenaga kerja sesuai dengan peraturan perusahaan yang berlaku


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    sekitar 1 tahun lalu
  • PERSONAL ASSISTANT PT. Dian Santosa Logistics Tangerang (Banten)
    IDR 7,000,000 - 7,500,000

    Time management, mengatur pertemuan Bisnis dan Rapat Menyusun Agenda pertemuan, mempersiapkan perjalanan dinas membuat naskah pidato, sambutan, bahan presentasi dan membuat surat menyurat meng-organizer event:jamuan makan, peresmian-peresmian dapat bekerjasama dengan bagian tertentu dan umum dapat membuat laporan keuangan menyusun dan merapikan dokumen


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  • IT - SQL Server PT. Catur Mitra Sejati Sentosa Tangerang (Banten)


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  • IT Infrastructure PT. Visionet Data Internasional Tangerang (Banten)

    Create, plan, and execute client-specific Network & Server solutions, ensure and consult that the Network & Server responds to customer expectations to discover growth strategies. Developing technology used in systems that aim to achieve high reliability and dependability while working closely with the operational team. Ensuring that assigned tasks and projects are completed within the specified targets and timelines. Exploring new technologies required for the company's business development, providing designs, solution roadmaps, presentations, and project delivery in collaboration with other teams.


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  • IT Infrastructure Dynapack Asia Tangerang (Banten)

    Performing planning, monitoring, and evaluation related to IT infrastructure, as well as developing and resolving problems related to design, integration, and implementation to ensure everything runs smoothly. Providing strategic direction for the development of main policies related to the scope of the division in accordance and Analyzing changes in the strategic environment and the company's needs (macroeconomics, business, regulations, and social community) to be able to develop anticipatory strategies and plans to respond to these changes. Leading the long-term and annual planning process of the division by integrating the work plans, activities, and budgets of the departments below it, and aligning them with the company's strategic planning. Creating a work environment that empowers employees to generate and implement creative ideas for improvements in their work division. Understanding and analyzing the Company's overall business processes and the IT infrastructure used to ensure that the IT infrastructure used can support the Company's business process needs. Analyzing and determining the design of infrastructure and other supporting devices to ensure the use of infrastructure is cost-efficient. Resolving issues related to the IT infrastructure used by consulting with management/directors and/or relevant consultants. Evaluating and controlling the documentation implementation of business processes, integration, and other work results to ensure the completeness of documentation implementation. Evaluating and controlling the preparation or modification of end-user manuals to ensure proper and easily understandable preparation for users. Directing the activities of the departments under it with other divisions/departments to achieve maximum cooperation and synergy. Conducting communication sessions, supervising, and evaluating the performance of the department to be proactive and ready to anticipate changes in the Company's business strategy, plans, and policies related to resources.


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    sekitar 1 tahun lalu
  • IT Technical Support PT. Global Jet Express Tangerang (Banten)

    Installing, configuring, maintain computer hardware, software, systems and networks Responding in a timely manner to user issues and requests Providing technical support across the company Setting up accounts for new users Repairing and replacing equipment as necessary


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  • Admin Produksi PT. Trafoindo Prima Perkasa Tangerang (Banten)
    IDR 4,000,000 - 4,500,000

    - Mengumpulkan jadwal kerja operator produksi. - Mengumpulkan data jam operasi peralatan produksi. - Membuat laporan pemakaian material produksi dan stock produksi. - Mengumpulkan dan memeriksa data produksi. - Mengolah data produksi dan membuat laporan hasil produksi.


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  • Accounting PT. Abadi Sejahtera Finansindo Tangerang (Banten)
    IDR 7,000,000 - 14,000,000

    Performs general cost accounting and other related duties for the organization. Prepares monthly balance sheets, income statements, and profit and loss statements. Maintains the general ledger. Codes invoices, sets up new accounts, reconciles accounts, and closes the monthly books. Reconciles bank accounts at least monthly, verifies deposits, and addresses inquiries from banks. Reconciles cash disbursement accounts, payroll, customer accounts, and other financial accounts; manages accounts receivable collections. Verifies and/or completes payment of invoices associated with accounts payable and ensures payments are charged to the appropriate accounts. Files tax forms with federal, state, and local government agencies. Coordinates with software vendor to maintain accounting software systems; recommends updates to enhance the accounting software. Manages the invoicing system. Maintains knowledge of acceptable accounting practices and procedures. Performs other related duties as assigned.


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    sekitar 1 tahun lalu
  • Supervisor Produksi PT. Servvo Fire Indonesia Tangerang (Banten)

    Membuat planning pengaturan kerja harian atau mingguan produksi sesuai SPK dari Dept. PPIC. Mengatur dan berkoordinasi dengan Leader Produksi & Operator Produksi Mengawasi jalannnya proses produksi harian di line dalam rangka pencapaian target sesuai cycle time yang telah ditetapkan. Melakukan training / coaching untuk Leader dan Operator Produksi Memantau trial produksi dari RnD dan Quality Control Menganalisa penyebab permasalahan dan mengatasi permasalahan operational rutin harian / target produktivitas dan evaluasi action plan yang diambil. Memastikan implementasi ISO Quality 9001:2015, ISO Lingkungan 14001:2015 dan K3 45001:2018 (SMK3) Membuat laporan rutin atas perencanaan kerja, realisasi produksi, dan penanganan masalah yang dihadapi saat proses produksi secara berkala kepada Manager Produksi / Factory Manager Dapat memahami perawatan (M/E) mesin-mesin produksi (menjadi nilai tambah) Memastikan tingkat kepatuhan, kedisiplinan kerja & absensi kehadiran operator ditimnya Meminimalkan waste sesuai dengan target Berperan serta dalam improvement & perbaikan berkesinambungan di Dept. Produksi.


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