PT. Prawathiya Karsa Pradipta

Company Overview

PT. Prawathiya Karsa Pradiptha was established in February 2011, focusing on Enterprise Business Solution, IT Professional Service, IT Managed Service, Education Center, Cloud Computing and Call Center Service. PT. Prawathiya Karsa Pradiptha has been used by various companies for helping them to respond the environmental dynamic and to choose the appropriate decision by combining and implementing the latest technologies and services. The company headquarter is located at Jakarta – the capital of Indonesia, the biggest business city in the country. Our Vision To be the IT service partner choice Our Mission Developing a competitive IT industry product Professionalism and teamwork in providing quality services Provide the best service to clients Develop cooperation and mutually beneficial business partnership Develop the best and latest technological innovation in every products Increased benefits and added value for clients and stakeholders Our Focusses ​​​Enterprise Business Solution Call Center Service Education Center IT Professional Service IT Managed Service

Why join us?

Our Vision To be the IT service partner choice Our Mision Developing a competitive IT industry products Professionalism and teamwork in providing quality services Provide the best service to clients Develop cooperation and mutually beneficial business partnership Develop the best and latest technological innovation in every products Increased benefits and added value for clients and stakeholders


Company Snapshot




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Location Ruko Niaga Citra Gran Blok R9 No. 5 Jl. Alternatif Transyogi, Cibubur Bekasi
Bekasi - Jawa Barat - Indonesia