PT. Polychemie Asia Pacific Permai

Company Overview

Polychemie adalah pemimpin di dalam teknologi lem di Indonesia – semua berkat tim kami yang selalu giat berusaha untuk memberikan the best value (best product, best quality, and best service) kepada semua customer. Produk kami tanpa sepengetahuan banyak orang dapat ditemukan di banyak benda yang berperan penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kesuksesan kami dibangun atas dasar inovasi yang berkesinambungan dan SDM yang giat berprestasi untuk selalu menjadi lebih unggul.

Why join us?

A regional leader in industrial adhesives and polymer based products Our Values — F.E.A.R We have FAITH in our people and believe in the delegation of tasks Polychemie treats its people with respect. Moreover, we treat our employees like family. We trust in our people and believe in the importance of on honest working environment. People perform as they are expected to, only when they ore given the encouragement and faith to do so. At Polychemie, we urge our people to recognize our goals as a company and to pursue them as their own. We allow our people to participate in utilizing their ideas, knowledge and feedback to better our company as a whole. Polychemie is what it is today due to the chollenges it faces with its people. Only by trusting and rewording our people will we establish a “Kaizen Culture” within Polychemie. Together, Polychemie will hopefully become a local leader in industrial adhesives and polymer based products.


Company Snapshot




monday - saturday


Medical, Annual Bonus


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Corporate Secretary
PT. Polychemie Asia Pacific Permai
IDR 0 - 0
Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta)

Location Jl. Raya Kebayoran Lama, No. 15, North Grogol, South Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta Selatan - Jakarta - Indonesia