Makassar - Sulawesi Selatan - Indonesia
Usia maksimal 32 tahun. Minimal memiliki gelar Diploma atau Sarjana, diutamakan dari jurusan Teknik Sipil, Elektro, Mesin, atau bidang lain yang relevan. Lulusan baru dipersilakan melamar, namun pengalaman di bidang HVAC & ME akan menjadi nilai tambah. Memahami dasar-dasar penjualan dan pemasaran (Sales & Marketing). Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi, presentasi, dan negosiasi yang baik. Terbiasa bekerja menggunakan komputer, termasuk perangkat lunak seperti Microsoft Office, AutoCAD (lebih disukai), dan CRM tools. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri maupun dalam tim, serta memiliki kemampuan manajemen waktu yang baik. Berkepribadian bertanggung jawab, jujur, cekatan, proaktif, dan memiliki perhatian terhadap detail. Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke luar kota jika diperlukan. Memiliki SIM A/C aktif akan menjadi nilai tambah. Konfirmasi by email & phone Teknikal test 1 day Psikotest 1 day Interview 1 day by HC & USER Assessment SEMUA PROSEDUR RECRUITMENT CV AND RESUME MELALUI JOBSTREET – (lamaran yang dikirim ke kantor akan diabaikan). COMPANY PROFILE : PT Rekayasa Tata Udara is a company specializing in the air conditioning systems or better known as Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) in Indonesia. The company was founded in 1985 and has more than 30 years of experience in the field. With decades of long experience, we have been trusted to fulfill various types of air system projects, including air conditioning systems at Residential, Industrial, Commercial, to Hospital levels. The company has completed various government, state-owned and private owned projects, with various types of customers. Our work area covers all of Indonesia, especially in eastern Indonesia, including Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua. with the motto: “Have a chill day” and the slogan “same spec low price” making us one of the well-known HVAC contractors in Indonesia.
- Umur Max 32th
- Min GPA -
- Min. Qualification D3
- Min Experience Staff