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Marketing PT. FM Global Logistics Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Find new business. Follow up and maintain relationship with client. Responsible to Supervisor.
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 7 years ago
Operator Mesin Kreasi Acrylic Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Dapat mendesign dan mengoperasikan mesin Bertanggung jawab atas deadline Kreatif dan inovatif yang tinggi.
/ MACHINE OPERATORabout 7 years ago
Sales PT. Heksa Solution Insurance Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Responsible for overseeing sales operations Meeting targets and managing the sales team in the region. Managing, training and motivating existing sales team to drive revenue growth Develop and manage efficient distribution networks for sales Develop efficient and creative sales and marketing strategies for the assigned territory and target setting for the sales team Collecting customer and market feedback and reporting the same to the organization Monitoring sales team performance, analyzing sales data, periodical forecasting and reporting to zonal heads
Driver PT. Sinar Panca Boga Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Min. 25 Tahun Pendidikan terakhir min. SMU atau SMK Memiliki kendaraan sendiri & SIM A & C Memiliki pengalaman di bidang-nya Min. 1 Tahun Mengetahui rute jalanan kota medan Displin & Bertanggung jawab
/ DRIVERabout 7 years ago
Sales PT. Solo Murni Medan (Sumatera Utara)
1. Menawarkan & menjual produk ke pelanggan toko, grosir & distributor 2. Menjaga ketersediaan stock barang di toko, grosir & distributor 3. Menjamin piutang toko dilunasi tepat waktu 4. Membina hubungan baik dengan pelanggan 5. Menjamin tampilan produk selalu rapi & bersih
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 7 years ago
Admin PT. Smart, Tbk Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Industrial), Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Logistic/Transportation or equivalent. At least 1 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Required Skill(s): english, exim Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor) specialized in Logistics/Supply Chain or equivalent.
IT Engineering Pandu Hotel Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Develop classified, listing website. Expert in SSL/TLS/SSH, Server Encryption, Hashing, PHP, Python. Having knowledge on website maintenance & security audit is an asset. Having 2 years of work experience in related work is an asset. Can outsource coding and programming. Can program in English Language. Reporting skill.
Accounting PT. Hyper Mega Shipping Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Check and verify the accuracy of all reports before submit them to General Manager and Group Manager. Review and verify the accuracy of inputted data and financial information. Evaluate and control all expenses as per budget planned. Control all documents collection progress for Account Receivables, Taxation, and Petty Cash. Control the achievement of collection targets in accordance with cash flow projection. Liaising with Banks, Financial Institutions and Government Departments if needed. Evaluate, organize and motivate the assigned staff. Maintain coordination with managers in another department to make sure all standard operating procedures run properly. Complete and achieve all targets given by Group Managers.
Operator Produksi Kompas Gramedia Group of Manufacture Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Bertanggungjawab dalam pengoperasian mesin cetak untuk menghasilkan produk cetakan yang sesuai standar kualitas dan kuantitas. Melaksanakan proses cetak sesuai dengan SPK dan jadual sehingga menghasilkan cetakan yang sesuai dengan standard kualitas dan kuantitas Mengoperasikan mesin cetak sesuai dengan standard sistem dan prosedur kerja Memahami seluruh informasi yang ada di SPK dan material yang dibutuhkan sebelum memulai pekerjaan Memeriksa kesesuaian material yang dibutuhkan dengan informasi yang tertera di SPK Menyiapkan material untuk order berikutnya pada saat produksi sedang berjalan
Surveyor PT. Mandala Multifinance, Tbk Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Melakukan dan Menjaga hubungan baik dengan Dealer Melakukan Analisa kelayakan kepada calon debitur Melakukan pengecekan validasi data kepada calon konsumen Membuat laporan hasil survey kepada atasan langsung dan pimpinan cabang
/ QUANTITY SURVEYORabout 7 years ago