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IT Application Support Argon Group Tangerang (Banten)IDR 5,000,000 - 7,500,000
Identify any potential issues and resolve applications issues Investigate and diagnose the application problems, and provide timely solutions to the users. Create training materials and conduct the training sessions. Ensure the application can run smoothly and efficiently. Involve applying patches, updating software versions, and ensuring regular data backups. Communicate any issues or updates related to the application. Maintain documentation related to the application, such as user guides, troubleshooting guides, and technical documentation. Setting up a helpdesk or ticketing system to track and manage incidents.
about 2 years ago
CLEANING SERVICE PT. Peksi Andaru Sakti Tangerang (Banten)IDR 2,500,000 - 3,300,000
Bertanggung jawab terhadap kebersihan dan kerapihan ruangan serta fasilitas yang ada di lingkungan kantor seperti ruang kerja, ruang meeting, musholla, pantry, toilet dan halaman luar Melakukan pembelian makanan staff (jika diperlukan) Membantu fotocopy/membeli ATK dll yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan operasional kantor Mematuhi SOP yang berlaku di Perusahaan Membersihkan serta merapikan kursi, meja kerja, komputer, dan perlengkapan kerja lainnya Mengisi snacks dan menyediakan kebutuhan pantry kantor Membersihkan dan mencuci perlengkapan makan kantor Membersihkan dan menyikat WC secara berkala Dapat mengoperasikan mesin untuk kebersihan
/ JANITORabout 2 years ago
CHIEF SECURITY PT. Supermal Karawaci (U-Residence) Tangerang (Banten)
Manage day to day Security Department and give the security team guidance to ensure all areas are secure and safe for everyone especially owners/tenants Develop and implement strategic security protocols and procedure inline with the company values Responsible for security, comfort, and safety, tenants and Building Guests as well as company assets. Maintaining order in the company environment so that the company's operational activities can run smoothly Setting up the required system of security procedures, prepare a plan for operational needs, create a security team work schedule and create a monthly work report Coordinate with the environment & local authorities Provide work instructions related to company policies / rules to the security team, analyze existing security condition Responsible for performance of on-duty security personnel Enforce discipline among reports and warn or counsel on incidents of indiscipline Conduct regular checks on all “field” officers to assure they are alert and carrying out their duties effectively and efficiently Conduct investigations and prepare accompanying investigation reports for cases which occur within the apartment, involving: criminal acts, losses or accidents caused to lives and properties Conduct regular and periodical checks and take immediate follow-up action to rectify faults, damage etc. detailed in the following: “Perimeter defense”: all fire exit doors, link doors, etc., leading INTO or OUT of the apartment and which are fitted with locking devices or alarm systems to ensure they are in good working condition as an effective measure against trespassers and pilferage Fire-fighting equipment, walkie talkies, CCTV equipment, office operating forms
/ SECURITY OFFICERabout 2 years ago
Cleaning Service PT. Avia Technics Dirgantara Tangerang (Banten)
Membersihkan meja,computer dan telepon. Membersihkan kursi Membuang sampah Membersihkan kaca indoor atau outdoor. Membersihkan sawang-sawang Membersihkan toilet (langit-langit atau sawang-sawang, lampu, dinding, wastafel, cermin, closet dll.) Membersihkan alat pemadam kebakaran Membersihkan tempat puntung rokok Membersihkan halaman Perawatan bunga (menyiram Pemupukan, menggemburkan tanah) Menyapu lantai & mengepel dll.
/ JANITORabout 2 years ago
Security Officer PT. Firman Indonesia Tangerang (Banten)IDR 4,000,000 - 4,600,000
mess karyawan
/ SECURITY OFFICERabout 2 years ago
Security PT. Kobra Dimensi Multimedia Tangerang (Banten)IDR 3,000,000 - 3,500,000
- Menyelenggarakan keamanan dan ketertiban di lingkungan/tempat kerjanya yang meliputi aspek pengamanan fisik, personel, informasi dan pengamanan teknis lainnya. - Melakukan tindakan preventif keamanan. - Menjaga stabilitas dan reputasi organisasi dengan memenuhi persyaratan hukum.
/ SECURITY OFFICERabout 2 years ago
Team Leader PT. Social Bella Indonesia Tangerang (Banten)
Lead dan monitor tim BA Memotivasi tim untuk mencapai sales target dan memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik untuk customer Membantu BA dalam melayani customer Mengusahakan lingkungan kerja yang positif dan menginspirasi team Memberikan coaching kepada tim BA
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 2 years ago
Supir Operasional PT. King Pole Indonesia Tangerang (Banten)IDR 4,250,000 - 5,000,000
Mengantar, menjemput dan menunggu user dalam seluruh kegiatannya. Bertanggungjawab dan memastikan mobil tetap bersih dan terawat. Bepergian memalui rute yang paling efisien, kecuali jika diarahkan lain. Mematuhi peraturan lalu lintas setiap saat Membantu warehouse jika sedang senggang dan jika diperlukan.
/ DRIVERabout 2 years ago
Sales Executive PT. Lavalen Inter Nasional Tangerang (Banten)
Melakukan promosi produk & Treatment Memenuhi target penjualan bulanan dan tahunan Menjaga hubungan yang baik dengan klien saat ini dan yang baru
/ SALES EXECUTIVEabout 2 years ago