FA Search Pte Ltd

Company Overview

FA Search Pte Ltd is FA Search to help organizations achieve better performance and success by finding, appraising and selecting the right candidates to fit their business needs. At FA Search we ensure that candidates are equipped with the skills, knowledge and experience needed to blend seamlessly with the culture and values ​​of our clients. All tasks performed by FA Search are done with strict confidentiality, dedication and professionalism.

Why join us?

Our pool of consultants with their extensive knowledge and experience are able to understand and anticipate our clients needs. They are capable, focused and highly motivated in searching, assessing and selecting the right candidates for our clients. All assignments undertaken by FA Search are performed with strict confidentiality, dedication and professionalism


Company Snapshot

Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia




monday - saturday



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Location 3, Shenton Way #22-07, Shenton House Singapore 068805
Singapore - Singapore - Singapore