PT. Sinde Budi Sentosa

Company Overview

Founded in 1978, PT Sinde Budi Sentosa has grown from a humble pharmaceutical company with a small factory in Bekasi in West Java, into a respectable global player with established operation and distribution networks in home country Indonesia, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea and the Middle East. PT Sinde Budi Sentosa has rolled out 12 products for both internal and external remedies, classified under 9 product categories. Internal remedies include Larutan Penyegar (Cap Badak & Lasegar), Energy Drink (Ena’O & Enerbee), Health Drink Sanzha Plum, Indonesian Traditional Jamu Ginpasak, Chen Chu Liang Teh and Headache Powder. Meanwhile external medications include Balm (Cap Kaki Tiga & Bapala), Fungus Medicated Oil and Medicated Skin Cream. Our main product line, Larutan Penyegar, is a pioneer of similar cooling products in the market. The brand has become a generic term locally, and is a recognised name in the national level. In addition, PT Sinde Budi Sentosa also has the sole authorised right to distribute the Cough Syrup Cap Ibu dan Anak (Nin Jiom - Hong Kong), Stomachache Medicine Pil Chi Kit (Teck Aun - Malaysia), Medicated Oil (Siang Pure - Thailand) in Indonesia. Our success does not make us rest on our laurels. PT Sinde Budi Sentosa continues to invest strategically in R&D and integrated manufacturing facilities to make sure we deliver the best value for you, our customers. Implementing strict quality control measures, such as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards, as exemplified by the Indonesia's Good Drug Manufacturing Practice (CPOB) and Good Traditional Drug Manufacturing Practice (CPOTB), we are committed to provide safe, effective medicines for the well-being of your loved ones. One of the measures adhered is BS EN ISO 22000:2005, a complete food safety system from raw materials, storage, production, distribution to consumer.

Why join us?

To become one of the top national pharmacies in Indonesia, producing traditional and modern medicines, health food and drinks, as well as other health products, with state-of-the-art technology, complying with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards. To market and promote it’s own and partners’ pharmaceutical products at a reasonable price level, both in domestic and export markets, for the benefit of customers and other stakeholders. Our motto is “the client is the king, your satisfaction is our delight”, and our production is aimed at fulfilling the needs of the people of Indonesia and other countries.


Company Snapshot

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Location Jalan Raya Diponegoro KM. 39.2 No. 35, Setiamekar, Tambun Selatan, Jatimulya, Setiamekar, Tambun Sel., Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510
Bekasi - Jawa Barat - Indonesia