Company Overview

Founded in 1961, a talented young man established a company called Asia Cliché, which at that time among the first makers of Cliché in Surabaya. With great passion and skills of the founder and management team, we have become one of the most well known Cliché makers today, as Asia Repro. Asia Repro is the pioneer in color separation, 3D engraving, and desktop publishing industry in Surabaya. Guided by a high standard of integrity, flexibility and quest for excellence, we are committed to provide maximum service to our customers. Our success is the result of our commitment to achieve maximum results through high quality products, competitive pricing and assurance of reliability and trust by consistently delivering what we promise.

Why join us?

Kami menawarkan peluang kerja dan kesempatan berkarir yang sama untuk semua level jabatan, suasana kerja yang kondusif dan transparan, serta target kerja yang membuat Anda bisa memberikan kemampuan maksimal bagi perkembangan perusahaan. Kami juga memberikan kesempatan bagi setiap karyawan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pribadinya sehingga mampu menjadi pengelola dan pemilik dari sebuah unit usaha secara mandiri.


Company Snapshot

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Location Jl. Merapi No 9, Surabaya 60174
Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia