Toro Developer Universal

Company Overview

We are an Indonesian company,as you can see our company's name is TORO DEVELOPER UNIVERSAL, Toro is the name of the founder of this company, we already exist since 2012. Our Company's motto is "G.L.O.R.Y", God centered, Loyal to process, Obedient to truth, Real spirit of excellence, Yielding right.We also believe that there's no shortcut to success, we need to work hard and have persistence, we could say that since we've already going through up and down, believe it or not, you could prove it by yourself. Our company target is to blablablablabla and our fields are information system consultant, ERP developer, information system auditor, mobile apps developer, website developer, and internet marketing. We already handle a lot of big companies international companies neither from Indonesian itself, you can see the result by yourself, our clients are so satisfied. we're pretty sure that we could provide anything you need faster than the average time it should be.

Why join us?

Kami menawarkan peluang kerja dan kesempatan berkarir yang sama untuk semua level jabatan, suasana kerja yang kondusif dan transparan, serta target kerja yang membuat Anda bisa memberikan kemampuan maksimal bagi perkembangan perusahaan. Kami juga memberikan kesempatan bagi setiap karyawan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pribadinya sehingga mampu menjadi pengelola dan pemilik dari sebuah unit usaha secara mandiri.


Company Snapshot




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Location Woodland 9 No 19, Perumahan, Jl. Citraland Surabaya, Made, Kec. Sambikerep, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60219
Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia