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  • Operator EXTRUDER PT. Mitra Saudara Indosengon Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Melakukan produksi Melakukan pengecekan / mendeteksi kerusakan mesin Melakukan pemeriksaan / perawatan mesin secara berkala Melakukan perbaikan mesin Memastikan kelancaran produksi mesin


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    about 5 years ago
  • Produksi PT. Mitra Saudara Indosengon Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Melakukan pengawasan harian terhadap kegiatan operasional pabrik plastik meliputi proses Produksi. Planning. Warehouse. dan Maintenance Melakukan evaluasi rutin pencapaian produksi dan membuat corrective action plan Memastikan proses maintenance berjalan dengan efektif. baik dalam proses perbaikan (repair) atau pengecekan rutin sebagai tindakan prefentif Mengendalikan proses pengadaan dan penyimpanan bahan baku agar tercapai efektivitas dalam waktu pemakaian dan efisiensi dalam penyimpanan Secara rutin dan konsisten melakukan evaluasi serta pembinaan terhadap manpower di bawah koordinasinya Memastikan terpenuhinya kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja sesuai standar yang ditetapkan.


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    about 5 years ago
  • Operator Mesin PT. Kemas Indah Maju Bekasi (Jawa Barat)

    1. Membuat tool atau program G-code dengan master cam/solid work, delcam, powermill 2. Mengerjakan pekerjaan machining dengan mesin milling CNC 3 Axis 3. Melakukan pemeriksaan mesin sebelum & sesudah digunakan 4. Memahami ukuran ukuran critical 5. Bekerja mengikuti prosedur dan wajib mentaati peraturan keselamatan


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    about 5 years ago
  • Operator Scan PT. Mitra Bandar Niaga Medan (Sumatera Utara)

    Minimal Pendidikan SMA atau setara Punya pengalaman kerja 1 sampai 2 tahun. Pekerja keras, mampu bekerja sama dengan tim, loyal, berdedikasi. mempunya skill lainnya menjadi nilai tambah, misalnya : mampu / bisa melakukan pengelasan (welder), paham mengenai elektrik. Bersedia ditempatkan di KIM II (Kawasan Industri Medan tahap dua)


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    about 5 years ago
  • Operator PT. Kanisius Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta)

    Candidate must possess at least SMU in Engineering (Others) or equivalent. At least 1 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Required Skill(s): Kemampuan berhitung yang baik, teliti & analisa data kuat Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor) specialized in Engineering - Others or equivalent. Penempatan Sleman, Yogyakarta


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    about 5 years ago
  • Operator Forklift PT. GAC Samudera Logistics Cikarang (Jawa Barat)

    Pendidikan minimal SMA / SMK Sederajat Pengalaman 1-3 tahun sebagai Operator Forklift dan diutamakan pengalaman gudang (Logistik, Manufaktur, Retail) Mempunyai SIO Forklift Kementerian Tenaga Kerja (masih aktif) Mampu mengoperasikan Forklift Reach Truck, Counter Balance dengan baik dan benar Jujur dan disiplin Bersedia di tempatkan di Cikarang – Jawa Barat


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    about 5 years ago
  • Boilerman CareerMaster Sdn Bhd Johor Bahru (Johor)

    Assist the Executive to conduct the necessary plan to minimize the downtime for overall boiler system and cooling tower facilities. Responsible for boiler and cooling tower daily operations, routine check and regeneration water softener system. Perform boiler and cooling tower daily and schedule maintenance and maintain the daily log Carry out preventive and predictive maintenance, repair and maintenance work related to boilers and air compressors as per the supplier guideline. Perform boiler and plumbing installation, maintenance and repair work Records daily utilities (diesel/ gas or water) and also dose chemical consumptions for boiler and cooling tower so as we can monitor operation cost Ensure that the Boiler and Chimney operated as per the Regulation 36 & 38 of the Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 1978. Any other duties as given by the company management.


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    about 5 years ago
  • Boilerman CareerMaster Sdn Bhd Kuala Kedah (Kedah)

    Assist the Executive to conduct the necessary plan to minimize the downtime for overall boiler system and cooling tower facilities. Responsible for boiler and cooling tower daily operations, routine check and regeneration water softener system. Perform boiler and cooling tower daily and schedule maintenance and maintain the daily log Carry out preventive and predictive maintenance, repair and maintenance work related to boilers and air compressors as per the supplier guideline. Perform boiler and plumbing installation, maintenance and repair work Records daily utilities (diesel/ gas or water) and also dose chemical consumptions for boiler and cooling tower so as we can monitor operation cost Ensure that the Boiler and Chimney operated as per the Regulation 36 & 38 of the Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 1978. Any other duties as given by the company management.


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    about 5 years ago
  • Boilerman CareerMaster Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur)

    Assist the Executive to conduct the necessary plan to minimize the downtime for overall boiler system and cooling tower facilities. Responsible for boiler and cooling tower daily operations, routine check and regeneration water softener system. Perform boiler and cooling tower daily and schedule maintenance and maintain the daily log Carry out preventive and predictive maintenance, repair and maintenance work related to boilers and air compressors as per the supplier guideline. Perform boiler and plumbing installation, maintenance and repair work Records daily utilities (diesel/ gas or water) and also dose chemical consumptions for boiler and cooling tower so as we can monitor operation cost Ensure that the Boiler and Chimney operated as per the Regulation 36 & 38 of the Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 1978. Any other duties as given by the company management.


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    about 5 years ago
  • Boilerman CareerMaster Sdn Bhd Melaka (Melaka)

    Assist the Executive to conduct the necessary plan to minimize the downtime for overall boiler system and cooling tower facilities. Responsible for boiler and cooling tower daily operations, routine check and regeneration water softener system. Perform boiler and cooling tower daily and schedule maintenance and maintain the daily log Carry out preventive and predictive maintenance, repair and maintenance work related to boilers and air compressors as per the supplier guideline. Perform boiler and plumbing installation, maintenance and repair work Records daily utilities (diesel/ gas or water) and also dose chemical consumptions for boiler and cooling tower so as we can monitor operation cost Ensure that the Boiler and Chimney operated as per the Regulation 36 & 38 of the Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 1978. Any other duties as given by the company management.


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    about 5 years ago