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  • Security PT. Smart, Tbk Jambi (Jambi)

    Be responsible for ensuring that all security measures have performed their duties in accordance with established procedures. Ensure the creation of situations and conditions safe at all stages of the activities of the garden operations in particular and social activities of the community in general. Identify in advance individual actions / activities / specific groups that have potential to become Threats, Disruptions, Constraints and Challenges (AGHT) that will disrupt the operation of the garden. Review draft security implementation plan made by Kanitpam (schedule, route and target) according to existing AGHT identification. Conducting weekly evaluation of the implementation of security, provide guidance to security devices in every garden on a regular basis and rotate. Ensure the passage of security measures against the assets of the company and the management of the plantation / plant so that the Operational Division can run the production activities smoothly.


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    about 2 years ago
  • Security PT. Smart, Tbk Jayapura (Papua)

    Be responsible for ensuring that all security measures have performed their duties in accordance with established procedures. Ensure the creation of situations and conditions safe at all stages of the activities of the garden operations in particular and social activities of the community in general. Identify in advance individual actions / activities / specific groups that have potential to become Threats, Disruptions, Constraints and Challenges (AGHT) that will disrupt the operation of the garden. Review draft security implementation plan made by Kanitpam (schedule, route and target) according to existing AGHT identification. Conducting weekly evaluation of the implementation of security, provide guidance to security devices in every garden on a regular basis and rotate. Ensure the passage of security measures against the assets of the company and the management of the plantation / plant so that the Operational Division can run the production activities smoothly.


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    about 2 years ago
  • Security PT. Smart, Tbk Pontianak (Kalimantan Barat)

    Be responsible for ensuring that all security measures have performed their duties in accordance with established procedures. Ensure the creation of situations and conditions safe at all stages of the activities of the garden operations in particular and social activities of the community in general. Identify in advance individual actions / activities / specific groups that have potential to become Threats, Disruptions, Constraints and Challenges (AGHT) that will disrupt the operation of the garden. Review draft security implementation plan made by Kanitpam (schedule, route and target) according to existing AGHT identification. Conducting weekly evaluation of the implementation of security, provide guidance to security devices in every garden on a regular basis and rotate. Ensure the passage of security measures against the assets of the company and the management of the plantation / plant so that the Operational Division can run the production activities smoothly.


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    about 2 years ago
  • Security / Secwan PT. Sebastian Citra Indonesia Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)


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    about 2 years ago
  • Security PT. Sebastian Citra Indonesia Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)


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    about 2 years ago
  • Security Yiguang Security Co., Ltd. Taipei (Northern Taiwan)

    job application Department store security guard


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    about 2 years ago
  • Security Guoyun Security Co., Ltd. Taipei (Northern Taiwan)

    Datong District, Taipei City / Songshan District, Taipei City / Zhongshan District, Taipei City / Neihu District, Taipei City / Shilin District, Taipei City / Beitou District, Taipei City / Linkou District, New Taipei City


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    about 2 years ago
  • Security PT. Ruang Raya Indonesia (Ruangguru.Com) Medan (Sumatera Utara)

    Melakukan pengamanan asset ditempat dia bekerja. Melakukan tindakan pencegahan dari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan di lingkungan tugasnya,dengan melakukan pengamanan secara maksimal. Laporan dan pencatatan setiap aktifitas dan kejadian setiap hari di buku laporan atau buku mutasi. Melindungi setiap orang yang berada di lingkungan tugasnya,dengan melakukan pengawasan segala aktifitas orang yang berada di lingkungan pengamanannya. Membuat lalu lintas kendaraan di lokasi tugas berjalan dengan baik dan mengarahkan kendaraan yang parkir dengan benar sesuai dengan aturan. Membantu beberapa aturan perusahaan/organisasi yang berhubungan dengan keamanan dan kenyamanan dapat berjalan dengan baik. Menginterogasi dan melakukan penyelidikan terhadap hal-hal yang mengganggu keamanan yang terjadi di lingkungan tempat dia bertugas,jika diperlukan berkoordinasi dan membantu pihak Kepolisian.


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    about 2 years ago
  • Security Yayasan Pendidikan Kristen Saint John Bekasi (Jawa Barat)


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    about 2 years ago
  • Security PT. Alfa Beta Abadi Jakarta Barat (Jakarta)

    1. Memastikan keamanan dan ketertiban lingkungan kerja untuk menunjang kelancaran kegiatan operasional perusahaan. 2. Membantu beberapa aturan perusahaan/organisasi yang berhubungan dengan keamanan dan kenyamanan dapat berjalan dengan baik. 3. Menginterogasi dan melakukan penyelidikan terhadap hal-hal yang mengganggu keamanan di lingkungan kantor. 4. Mampu melakukan koordinasi dan komunikasi dengan pihak instansi terkait, seperti Polres, Satpol PP, dll. 5. Melakukan pengawasan dan penertiban di area parkir kantor. 6. Melakukan pengecekan keluar masuk barang. 7. Membantu atau membackup driver.


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    about 2 years ago