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  • Internal Auditor HPS Partners Pte. Ltd. Perak (Perak)

    Critical role as an auditor for selected audits to ensure successful project completion in accordance with the established schedule. Assist in determining proper risk based scope of test work. Key role in planning, execution, and reporting activities. Prepare audit work papers, document audit results, examine documentation and verify controls in accordance to stated policies and practices, track/monitor/validate completion of audit observations. Present reports on audit results and recommend corrective actions / improvements as required. Support the Internal Audit risk assessment, identifying risks and controls, updating the audit of auditable entities, and proposing audit areas/projects as part of the annual audit plan. Participate in SOX compliance audit, internal ethics and fraud investigation, or ad-hoc projects when needed.


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    about 6 years ago
  • Internal Auditor HPS Partners Pte. Ltd. Kuala Perlis (Perlis)

    Critical role as an auditor for selected audits to ensure successful project completion in accordance with the established schedule. Assist in determining proper risk based scope of test work. Key role in planning, execution, and reporting activities. Prepare audit work papers, document audit results, examine documentation and verify controls in accordance to stated policies and practices, track/monitor/validate completion of audit observations. Present reports on audit results and recommend corrective actions / improvements as required. Support the Internal Audit risk assessment, identifying risks and controls, updating the audit of auditable entities, and proposing audit areas/projects as part of the annual audit plan. Participate in SOX compliance audit, internal ethics and fraud investigation, or ad-hoc projects when needed.


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    about 6 years ago
  • Internal Auditor HPS Partners Pte. Ltd. Kuala Selangor (Selangor)

    Critical role as an auditor for selected audits to ensure successful project completion in accordance with the established schedule. Assist in determining proper risk based scope of test work. Key role in planning, execution, and reporting activities. Prepare audit work papers, document audit results, examine documentation and verify controls in accordance to stated policies and practices, track/monitor/validate completion of audit observations. Present reports on audit results and recommend corrective actions / improvements as required. Support the Internal Audit risk assessment, identifying risks and controls, updating the audit of auditable entities, and proposing audit areas/projects as part of the annual audit plan. Participate in SOX compliance audit, internal ethics and fraud investigation, or ad-hoc projects when needed.


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    about 6 years ago
  • Internal Auditor HPS Partners Pte. Ltd. Sarawak (Sarawak)

    Critical role as an auditor for selected audits to ensure successful project completion in accordance with the established schedule. Assist in determining proper risk based scope of test work. Key role in planning, execution, and reporting activities. Prepare audit work papers, document audit results, examine documentation and verify controls in accordance to stated policies and practices, track/monitor/validate completion of audit observations. Present reports on audit results and recommend corrective actions / improvements as required. Support the Internal Audit risk assessment, identifying risks and controls, updating the audit of auditable entities, and proposing audit areas/projects as part of the annual audit plan. Participate in SOX compliance audit, internal ethics and fraud investigation, or ad-hoc projects when needed.


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    about 6 years ago
  • Internal Auditor HPS Partners Pte. Ltd. Kuala Terengganu (Terengganu)

    Critical role as an auditor for selected audits to ensure successful project completion in accordance with the established schedule. Assist in determining proper risk based scope of test work. Key role in planning, execution, and reporting activities. Prepare audit work papers, document audit results, examine documentation and verify controls in accordance to stated policies and practices, track/monitor/validate completion of audit observations. Present reports on audit results and recommend corrective actions / improvements as required. Support the Internal Audit risk assessment, identifying risks and controls, updating the audit of auditable entities, and proposing audit areas/projects as part of the annual audit plan. Participate in SOX compliance audit, internal ethics and fraud investigation, or ad-hoc projects when needed.


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    about 6 years ago
  • Internal Auditor HPS Partners Pte. Ltd. Labuan (Labuan)

    Critical role as an auditor for selected audits to ensure successful project completion in accordance with the established schedule. Assist in determining proper risk based scope of test work. Key role in planning, execution, and reporting activities. Prepare audit work papers, document audit results, examine documentation and verify controls in accordance to stated policies and practices, track/monitor/validate completion of audit observations. Present reports on audit results and recommend corrective actions / improvements as required. Support the Internal Audit risk assessment, identifying risks and controls, updating the audit of auditable entities, and proposing audit areas/projects as part of the annual audit plan. Participate in SOX compliance audit, internal ethics and fraud investigation, or ad-hoc projects when needed.


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    about 6 years ago
  • Internal Audit PT. Kresna Reksa Finance Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

    Melaksanakan proses pemeriksaan / audit internal bagi seluruh divisi cabang dan melaporkannya dalam bentuk laporan audit Menjalalankan proses audit internal perusahaan secara teknis dan berkala baik dari segi financial maupun operasional Melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi hasil audit internal serta menjalin koordinasi dengan pihak terkait untuk menyiapkan solusi untuk hasil temuan masalah Aktif melakukan tugas tugas lain yang di rasa perlu dalam upaya mencapai target audit


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    about 6 years ago
  • Perpajakan PT Maju Kita Bersama Medan (Sumatera Utara)

    Candidate must possess at least Diploma, Bachelor's Degree in Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent. At least 3 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Required Skill(s): Menganalisa setiap permohonan dana masing masing unit yang masuk ke kantor pusat, Melakukan pengecekan harga barang terhadap supplier yang bersangkutan, Melaporkan iuran BPJS TK dan Kesehatan setiap bulannya ke Kantor BPJS, Melakukan koordinasi permasalahan yang terjadi di unit kepada atasan, Melakukan pengecekan rekapan dan rincian pajak terhadap staff pajak, Memonitor keuangan setiap unit Preferably Supervisor/Coordinator specialized in Finance - General/Cost Accounting or equivalent.


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    about 6 years ago
  • Tax PT. Sentra Boga Handal Jakarta (Jakarta)

    Membuat Tax Planning. Membuat SSP dan bukti potong pajak, Laporan Pajak (PPN, PPH) dan melaporkan ke kantor pajak, agar kewajiban pajak perusahaan dapat dipenuhi dengan baik sesuai aturan yang berlaku. Melakukan pembayaran pajak ke Bank/Kantor Pos, dan koordinasi dengan bank agar kewajiban perusahaan dalam hal pajak dipenuhi dengan baik. Mengumpulkan data untuk keperluan analisa akuntansi. Membuat laporan pajak bulanan dan tahunan. Melakukan verifikasi faktur pajak dan memastikan keakuratan data. Memahami dan mengikuti perkembangan peraturan perpajakan.


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    about 6 years ago
  • Internal Audit Highpoint Group Jakarta (Jakarta)

    Melakukan pemeriksaan dan kontrol terhadap operasional dan proses administrasi yang dijalankan di masing-masing unit kerja telah sesuai dengan sistem operasional prosedur yang berlaku. Melakukan proses pemeriksaan terhadap prosedur maupun dokumen sesuai dengan alur SOP yang berlaku. Melakukan verifikasi dan investigasi sebagai bahan analisa atas hasil audit. Mengelola dan memelihara dokumen-dokumen penting secara rapi dan sistematis untuk keperluan maupun kelancaran kegiatan audit.


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    about 6 years ago