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  • Sales SPV PT. Aneka Gas Industri Sidoarjo (Jawa Timur)

    Sales Supervisor - Sidoarjo


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    about 7 years ago
  • Sales PT. Hadi Putra Jaya Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    • Mencari Pelanggan Baru • Menjaga Hubungan Baik dengan Pelanggan


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    about 7 years ago
  • Security PT. Rekatama Teknik Persada Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Melaksanakan Pengamanan secara menyeluruh dilokasi kerja Melaksanakan Tugas dan Fungsi sesuai dengan penempatan dilokasi masing-masing Melakukan pemeriksaan pada tamu / staff yang akan masuk ke area kerja Menahan KTP/ SIM setiap tamu yang akan memasuki area kerja Memeriksa setiap Mobil / Motor yang masuk atau keluar Khusus untuk mobil bak terbuka / tertutup HARUS diperiksa, Muatan dan Surat Jalan Anggota Harus Stand-By ditempat Menjaga dan memelihara Asset dan Inventaris Perusahaan Menertibkan Parkir Mobil dan Motor pada saat parkir Anggota Bertanggung Jawab atas Tugas dan Fungsi, selama melaksanakan tugas.


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    about 7 years ago
  • Sales PT. Citra Warna Abadi Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Sales (Surabaya)


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    about 7 years ago
  • Sales PT. Citra Warna Abadi Madiun (Jawa Timur)

    Sales (Madiun)


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    about 7 years ago
  • Driver PT. Citra Warna Abadi Madiun (Jawa Timur)



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    about 7 years ago
  • HR & Training PT. Jatim Watkoraya Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    To prepare and review plans for manpower reqirements of the company as per Advice of the management. To maintain employment records and statistics. To develop systems and procedures relating to personnel administration. To arrange selection of candidate as per standard set by the Management and conduct test and interview from time to time for selection of employees. To prepare induction plan and implementation the same for new recruits, promotes and for employees at job changes in consultation to execute the plans. To prepare follow up plans for evaluating performance of the existing manpower and directly assists the General Manager to execute the plans. To assist the General Manager to prepare placement program and manpower utilization. To assits preparation of Job Description manual for the company. To deal with attendance, Leave, Icrement atau Reward, Compensation and Promotion cases of the employee under set rules within manageable interest and maintain direct contact with the Line Managers for smooth discharge of those functions. To deal with the inter-department transfer and adjustment of existing manpower under advice of the General Manager. To handle all types of disciplinary actions relating to personnel and maintain close and direct contact with the General Manager in dealing with the actions. To plan, implement and monitor all types of policies, rules and regulations relating to personnel administrations.


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    about 7 years ago
  • Sales Executive PT. Moka Teknologi Indonesia Nganjuk (Jawa Timur)

    • Minimal 1 tahun pengalaman sebagai sales (terbuka untuk freshgraduate) • Memiliki SIM & kendaraan sendiri


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    about 7 years ago
  • Sales Executive PT. Moka Teknologi Indonesia Mojokerto (Jawa Timur)

    • Minimal 1 tahun pengalaman sebagai sales (terbuka untuk freshgraduate) • Memiliki SIM & kendaraan sendiri


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    about 7 years ago
  • Sales Executive PT. Moka Teknologi Indonesia Blitar (Jawa Timur)

    • Minimal 1 tahun pengalaman sebagai sales (terbuka untuk freshgraduate) • Memiliki SIM & kendaraan sendiri


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    about 7 years ago